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"Dom Trapera" Biebrza Guest House lies in the Augustów Primeval Forest, 1.3 km away from the nearest village, next to "Czerwone Bagno" Faunal-Peatbog Reserve close to the Tajno Lake, a river and the Augustów Channel, in the central basin of the Biebrza National Park.

This wooden house has a soul, and resemblesa house of a tapper or of an American Indian. The landlord is the good spirit of the residence,and is fascinated with the American Indians. Darek is eagerly sharing his knowledgeand experience with his guests.

The landlord is a handy-man and has designed and built the entire houseand each and every detail of its interior, which makes this place truly unique.(The house also features numerous items of interest for the fans of natural science and ethnography, i.e. various bird nests and feathers, horns, skulls and leathers of mammals, old household equipment, etc.)

Darek has been working as a professional photographer of naturefor 25 years now. Over two thousand of his photos have been publishedby BBC, National Geographic, Animals, and many more publishers.

In working as a photographer, Darek has acquired extensive knowledge ofnature and eagerly shares his passion with his guests, offeringtrips to the most beautiful and wildplaces of the Biebrza National Park, to the nature reserves inthe Augustów Primeval Forest, the Wigry National Park, or the Suwałki Landscape Park. Expeditions, experiences and adventure with Darek, an animal tracker, an American Indian,will linger in your memory forever, no matter the weather and the time of the year.

The surrounding areas of "Dom Trapera" Guest House are a perfect destination for cycling trips(beautiful routes through the woods and swamps) as well as kayaking tripsover the wild rivers of Biebrza, Netta, Jegrznia, the Augustów or Woznawiejski Canals.(equipment is available for rent). Guests can also enjoy long walks andcombined walking and driving tours.

Landlords welcome guests all year round,as the surrounding nature is equally beautiful and mysterious at any time of the year.In the springtime, birds are returning to the mystique lakes and rivers, making so much much noise it sometimes sounds a bit scary; in the summertime - the woods are signing,meadows blossoming, filled with mushrooms and blackberries, and animals are plenty; in the autumn, you will be astonishedby the beautiful colours of trees, you will hear deer and moose during the autumn rut,and in a fairytale-like winter landscape you can trace animals andnestle next to the fireplace to rest and regenerate in the long winter eveningsto later face your daily challenges. "Dom Trapera" Guest House always stays openand the fireplace is always lit.

We invite you to visit this mysterious and beautiful land of wolf, moose and crane.Best wishes,

Darek Karp

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